FAQs - Frequently Answered Questions

Our FAQs is here to help us help you, and we will keep 'UpSpecn' the page with more common questions you may have. If you cannot find the answer to your queries here, then please send us an email and we will get back to your as soon as we can. 

- Where is UpSpec Garage located? 

You can find us Dyno Tuning at Heng's Performance Garage located 239 Railway Parade, Cabramatta NSW... right on the corner block of the Heng's Garage complex.

- What are UpSpec Garage’s work hours? 

We operate from 3.30pm to 9.30pm on weekdays. Saturdays via appointment only.

- Do you have a direct contact number?

Yes, it is 0403 358 168. But we may not always be able to answer the call. So please leave a message and we will call you back, or email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

- I have sent an email, when can I expect a reply?

Please allow up to 2 business days. This is due to workload. We Dyno Tune vehicles on a daily basis which require our undivided attention. But be assured that we will try our best to get back to you in a timely manner. 

- What is an OTS Map, ProTune, Dyno Tune, Road Tune, E-Tune?

An OTS (Off The Shelf) map is a ‘load and go’ map designed to work on a specific vehicle usually in standard form or with a very specific set of modifications. Our OTS Maps are highly developed maps which offers a more conservative power gain by design to cater for the mechanical variations between vehicles much like a factory ECU map.

A ProTune is a custom tailored Tune calibrated to suit a vehicle with any level of modification at time of tuning, generally extracting more power than OTS maps.

A Dyno Tune is a Protune carried out on a Dyno. This is by far the best way to Tune a vehicle for maximum gains as the vehicle is operated in a safe and controlled environment, and is able to produce consistent and comparable results. Another big advantage of a Dyno tune is the vehicle being able to be tested to high speeds that are usually not safely and legally done on the road.

A Road Tune is a ProTune carried out on the roads. The vehicle is put through its paces on the road and an advantage is that drivability is really focused on. Since the vehicle is not able to be tested to high rpm in the higher gears, this method usually leaves some power on the table, and even more so on vehicles with higher modifications and power potential. Vehicles modified beyond stage 2 are always recommended to get a dyno tune.

An E-tune is a ProTune done via electronic correspondence. This method is intended only for those that do not have a local Tuner able to tune their vehicles. It requires the owner/operator to do the map flashing, driving, and datalogging for the Tuner. On Stage 1 and Stage 2 vehicles, this usually works well provided the vehicle is running optimal to begin with. The results will only be as good as the data the tuner is given.

The process is usually like this: Tuner emails a base map according to the modifications known. Owner loads the Map onto car and Datalogs. These Datalogs are emailed back to the Tuner for review. Tuner sends another back map that has been revised based on the datalog… owner loads… logs, emails. Rinse and repeat until Tune is complete.

- What is Stage 1, 2, 3, 100?

Basically, the term Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage XXX etc., simply refers to the level of modifications that are on the vehicle. The ECU Tunes that are used on any of these cars are all still customized tunes. In actual fact, you can put any level of modification on your car and we can Dyno Tune it. By calling it ‘Stage’, it just simplifies it for everyone, and gives everyone a common mod path to follow.

Every workshop/Tuner will have their own version/opinion on what each ‘Stage’ consists of, but we closely follow Cobb Tuning’s take.

Stage 1 = Standard car + ECU Tune. OR, an Intake + Catback Exhaust + ECU Tune.

Stage 2 = Stage 1 + Full Turboback exhaust  + ECU Tune.

Stage 3 = Stage 2 + Upgraded Turbo + Fuel System + ECU Tune.

After Stage 3, we no longer use ‘Stage’ as it’s pretty much a blank canvas at that point.

- What is ATW (at the wheels)? Why is the power and torque ATW lower than what the manufacturer's brochure advertises?

Vehicle Manufacturers advertise the power and torque ratings measured at the engine, flywheel, or crank (all 3 refers to same power). Our Dyno measures power at the wheels which shows a lower number, especially on an All-Wheel Drive vehicle. To keep things simple, this is referred to as drivetrain loss, and it is common for a Subaru to see up to 25% loss in a manual and even higher in an auto.

For example, a 2015 WRX 6 speed manual is advertised to have 197KW and 350nm from factory at the flywheel. On our Dyno, generally, they make 147KW and 317nm at the wheels. That’s a 25% power loss and almost 10% torque loss through the drivetrain and wheels.

- Cobb Accessport, what is it and what does it do? 

The Cobb Accessport is used to write/flash the custom map file to the car’s ECU, and is the storage medium for multiple ECU Maps that you may have. After Flashing a map onto a car’s ECU, the Accessport  can be used as code reader, or a gauge showing you information from the vehicle including boost pressure, ignition timing, intake temperature, and even coolant temp. But if that does not interest you, then you can simply unplug the Accessport, and leave it in the glovebox.

There are three main components that complete the Cobb Tuning platform:

  1. Cobb AccessTuner software that is used by ProTuners to edit and build the ECU map files. 
  1. Accessport Manager software is installed on a PC or MAC and used to load Map files onto an Accessport device. It is also used to update the Accessport, as well as download datalog files from the Accessport to a computer. 
  1. Cobb Accessport is the device that is physically connected to the car’s computer for writing/flashing maps and reading data. Think if it as the key for the doorway to your vehicles ECU. 

Take note that the factory ECU can only have 1 map file on there at any given time, and The Cobb Accessport can only be installed on 1 car at a time… you cannot have the same Accessport paired (or married) to multiple cars at the same time. You will need to uninstall it off one car, before it can be installed on another vehicle.

- I got an OTS map off you, can I share it round with my mates?

Our OTS Maps (and Protune maps) are locked to your Cobb Accessport Serial number and also only compatible with the same model year vehicle. So for it to work on another vehicle, you must first uninstall the Cobb Accessport from your own car, install it on the other car, and make sure the other car is the same model year.

That's all the FAQs for now, email us if you have other questions!